Our Story

Mangofish Studios would not be possible without the significant effort and intense passion of the late Captain John Hooper and his wife Betz Hill, who set off 20 years ago with their son Stuart, on a mission to build a family seat on a beach, away from everything, but closer to the center of something bigger.

The story behind the global search for the ideal piece of property on which to build the perfect destination is fascinating and certainly harrowing at times.

Three years of construction was completed in 2006. The intense effort resulted in a sustainable, off-the-grid vacation infrastructure, including the grand 10 bedroom, 10.5 bathroom Mangofish Spanish Villa, the centerpiece of the 50 acre ranch.

The villa is rich with history and evokes mysterious, inspirational feelings from arrival through departure and beyond.

John, Betz and Stuart’s remarkable accomplishments are what is today the foundation for Mangofish Studios.

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The Transformation

In 2019, Stuart and partner Tammy Rowe began shifting much of their film post- production work to Mangofish from the Big Island Studios of The Aspen Film Society.

The success of Mangofish as a creative home for such projects as the Booking.com sponsored series The Vacation Rental Show and documentary about legendary musician John McEuen, The Life I’ve Picked, has been the catalyst for additional projects being produced at Mangofish.

This success and momentum became the seed for the idea that Mangofish could be a broader creative platform.

Discussions with friends Bryan, Karen and Steve, who they had previously worked with producing the 2017 Pandemonio Conference, led to the realization these 5 passionate entrepreneurs could build this broader creative platform into one of the most in demand, premier creative retreat destinations in the world.

Thus began the transformation into Mangofish Studios.


The Vision

The team is currently transforming the B&B villa into a destination like no other.

The vision is to inspire creation, education and innovation in the areas of music, film, the arts and technology. Mangofish Studios will attract artists, researchers, coaches and thought-leaders from all over the world.

Upon completion, Mangofish Studios will feature:

  • 15,000 square feet of state-of- the-art media production and education studios

  • An oceanfront dance/ fitness/special event outdoor pavilion

  • Hiking trails, suspension bridges, private and social hangout areas

  • An essential beach bar

Guests will visit to produce a film, to cut a record, to learn, to teach, to enjoy a luxurious, all-inclusive, private retreat and, to be inspired in paradise.


Our Philosophy

Creating the perfect balance between disconnected and connected, work and play, student and teacher, isolated and engaged, Mangofish Studios philosophy is to provide the ideal destination for creativity, growth and innovation.

The entire property will be thoughtfully set up to spontaneously turn inspiration into action. A beach-bar jam session will become a recorded album. Lounge-chair novel writing will be encouraged. What was learned in today’s Leadership masterclass will change how a startup is managed tomorrow. Prototyping will be the norm. The morning sunrise will be the motivation for creating the perfect opening scene for the next award winning film.

Guests will be able to get lost at the edge of the world. If the timing is ideal, experience the wonder of a whale breaching, a monkey howling or a sea turtle hatching.

Mangofish Studios’ goal is to provide endless surprise and inspiration that will result in real world innovation in audio, video, culinary arts and technology and provide guests with the tools to document and share these innovations and experiences with the world.

Sustainability and Eco-responsibility

A legacy of “off-the-grid” operations sets the foundation for a future of sustainability and eco-responsibility.

Since its completion in 2006, the Mangofish villa has been operating largely off-the-grid. For example, all electricity needs have been fulfilled through solar generation which was backed up by a gas generator. Four high volume wells have been used to supply freshwater. A special focus has always been on food management and conservation. This legacy will be expanded upon in building out Mangofish Studios.

The Future of Sustainability at Mangofish Studios

Sustainability goals will be satisfied by implementing things like:

  • 100% renewable, wind and solar, power generation 

  • Improving on the region’s recycling capabilities by implementing innovative approaches and technologies on property

  • Leading regular beach cleanups with local community with the objective of improving the community’s awareness about the use and disposal of plastics

  • Improved water management to serve all hospitality needs and to support food production on the ranch

  • Wildlife protection efforts like patrolling the beaches during turtle hatching season

  • Facilitating larger scale experiments and projects such as harnessing wave energy, “grid-tied” molten salt solar energy storage and plant-based pest control and crop protection

Mangofish Studios’ sustainability and eco-focused goals will guide the company’s supply chain definition and help it forge partnerships with private sector organizations, not-for-profits and government agencies who share similar objectives.
